
Spring 2021

I will try to post more pictures as the different species begin to bloom. Its safe to say that I have neglected this blog, but I will try to remedy that problem. I'm not a great photographer, but I think you'll get the idea. Enjoy!  

Poirot Prairie Peers

Missouri is blessed with many beautiful relic/remnant prairies, each with its own unique "architecture" - some rocky, some sandy, others loamy; some wet, some dry and some a mixture of both. As many prairies as we have, it is important to remember that these represent less than 1% of the original tall grass prairie lands that once covered 30% of Missouri's surface ( For more info about and directional maps to Missouri's public prairies, check out this handy link: NOTE: only prairies owned by the Mo. State Parks, Mo. Dept of Conservation, the Missouri Prairie Foundation, or Nature Conservancy are listed and mapped.  Privately owned prairies such as the Poirot Prairie do not appear in this on-line guide . We (the local Poirot family) expect prairies located in Dade, Barton and Lawrence counties to be most comparable to that of the Poirot Prairie.  If y

Introduction to Poirot Prairie Blog

NOTE:   This Blog was suggested for keeping members of the Poirot, Krautmann, Thoma, and Griesemer Clans updated on the status of the Poirot Prairie on Poirot Farms near Golden City, MO.  This is a test of this method of communication and is administered by Niece and Cousin Mary. I (Mary) will try to maintain this blog if enough people are interested!  I have invited others to be authors and will invite more readers as soon as I am confident I used good grammar, committed minimal misspellings, and employed good sentence structure in my first post!! Brief, Very Brief Historical Background (1923-1980 or so) In 1923, Eugene Marcel Poirot and Mary Frances Brady (Gene and May) married in Cullom IL, then settled on a farm near Golden City, MO; a farm originally purchased by Eugene's father, Severin Poirot I. Before Gene and May settled there, previous farming practices left the soil depleted. Yet, the farmers who had abandoned this land "left" about 200 acres of virgin prai